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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Swing caddie SC100 portable launch monitor

The Swing Caddie SC100 is a standalone portable golf launch monitor designed to help golfers visualize their swings. It provides instant visual feedback and stores stats for each club, without any separate device or smart phone application, and its remote control makes it effortless to use. Swing Caddie is ideal for both practice and play, and creates a fresh new experience for golfers of all levels.

The Swing Caddie SC100:

• Standalone device (no phone app needed)
• Instant feedback via LCD display
• Measures:
• Carry Distance
• Swing Speed
• Ball Speed
• Smash Factor
• 3 modes
• Practice Mode
• Target Mode
• Random Mode
• Stats for each club
• Average stats
• Shot count and time display
• Compact size and weight
• Easy use with remote control

Order One Today
Visit Canadian distributors website


Sunday, 16 February 2014

Golf Conditioning Secret is Out...

Over the past 30 years, the average golfer’s handicap has not lowered.  Considering all the innovations in equipment, lessons and gadgets to improve the swing, why aren’t those numbers dropping?  
It’s not because they aren’t working, it’s because the average golfer is moving less, holding more tension, and unable to focus. 
Any fitness professional would tell you that the effective method to to improve the elements required for golf, would be with out a doubt both Pilates and Yoga.  
Both methods have been know to improve flexibility, develop core strength, enhance balance, and quiet the mind.  Yoga & Pilates exercises have been part of many professional golfers’ routines for years, and have been shown to significantly improve distance and accuracy off the tee, more effective club control, increased concentration, and better rhythm and tempo in the golf swing. 
Ironically and unfortunately, both methods are not poplar with men. And most professionals who practice them, do so quietly to avoid the stigma.  What I can guarantee is that once you’ve tried them, not only will you have an appreciation for it toughness, but recognize how it’s the most effective method to improve your golf game.  
Here is a list of elements that are required for a great golf swing, and the foundation of a Yoga and Pilates program. 
Mobility of the Spine & Hips 
Core Strength & Support
Body Awareness & Balance
Breathing & Focus

Most of the above elements are not part of a traditional fitness program.  In fact most weight training programs do just the opposite and can inhibit performance. 

My experience has been that most who give Pilates or Yoga a try see a significant difference not only in their golf game, but also a decrease in “feeling old”.  And most men who discover how great this can be tend to keep it a secret.  If one of your golf buddies has started working out and it’s improving his game, dig a little deeper.  He’s probably doing Pilates or Yoga.  If your man enough to check it out, you’ll thank me!

Gina's has been at the forefront of golf fitness for over 15 years.  She works with her husband Jason Faubert at The Golf Academy in Burlington Ontario where they teach golfers how to improve their game through both skill, and fitness.  Her Pilates & yoga approach has helped golfers overcome injuries, avoid chronic pain, and thrive playing great golf.  Her recommendations are backed by the latest research, and the success of her professional golf clients says it all.  You can reach Gina and Jason at or twitter @golfersacademy

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Strength and flexibility are keys to a successful golf game!

At The Golfers Academy in Burlington Ontario, fitness for golf is prevalent at every level. You hear about it all the time on the television and even teaching pros are talking more about the importance of fitness for golf. 

The reason being is the belief that your physical limitations are keeping you from optimal swing mechanics, power, distance and accuracy. For the aging golfer this is most prevalent. 

Without a golf-specific exercise program, it is virtually impossible to maintain and/or improve swing mechanics. The human body declines rapidly without stress being put on it. 

What I mean is muscles and bones need stress and pressure on them to remain strong, stable and injury-free. Without this stress the body weakens and breaks down quickly resulting in a rapid decline in strength and flexibility.

This is death to your golf swing!

The old adage, use it or lose it is very true. Haven’t you experienced a time when you were too busy with family obligations, work commitments and other stress-related issues and you felt you didn’t have the time to devote to your health and fitness? What happened shortly after that? 

Did you energy level go down? Did you start getting aches and pains and even newfound stiffnesses? How about your golf game? Did you feel like you didn’t have the same amount of umph on the ball?

This is that declining strength and flexibility I’m talking about. And theONLY way to stop this from happening is maintaining some sort for fitness for golf program if it pertains to your golf game.

There are also two forms of fitness. General fitness, and “sport-specific” or fitness for golf in regards, to you as a golfer. 

There is a major difference between these two forms of fitness. One that is very common is going into a gym, plopping down on the machines and isolating one muscle group at a time in a controlled environment. Picture for instance an abdominal machine. You lie down in it, grab fixed handles that guide you through a set range of motion. That would be considered “general fitness”.

On the other hand, picture standing (just like you do in golf) holding a single hand weight (dumbbell) straight out in front of you, and rotating (turning) back and through just like your golf swing. That is an exercise that would be consider fitness for golf. It directly benefits your rotational strength AND flexibility, enabling you to make a bigger turn with more power.

This area rapidly declines with the older golfer. Abdominal strength and flexibility if not tested often, will decrease, and the ability to make a full backswing with stored energy will be less and less, resulting in a massive reduction in power output, therefore distance.

So the next time you’re on the course and you get frustrated about you lack of distance off the tee, ask yourself “when was the last time you worked on your BODY!” Your answer will dictate your performance on a daily basis. I have just barely scratched the surface of the importance of fitness for golf, but I hope I’ve got you thinking about how important Fitness for golf is if you want to play your best golf.

For more details on how to improve your fitness for golf contact The Golfers Academy in Burlington, Ontario.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Getting Ready for the outdoor golf season

Many of us spend 3 -4 months staring at our clubs collecting dust in the corner, however some have found the benefits of swinging with the aid of indoor golf simulators over the winter.

After 3 months of cold frigid temperatures how do you prepare yourself for that first day of outdoor golf in the spring. The transition can be deceptive from indoor to outdoor golf, "there are no more perfect lies, calm conditions, and dry ground" says the owner of The Golfer's Academy in Burlington, Ontario. "The best way to get ready for that first round is make the course conditions a little tougher, add some wind, change the ground conditions, to simulate what you will be playing in outdoors and maybe if you feel the urge shorten your putting gimme range".

One must remember that keeping the clubs swinging throughout the winter is a great teaching aid as well as a way to stay loose and fit through those long cold months. What better way to play some of the top courses, such as Pebble Beach, St. Andrews and TPC Sawgrass with out those expensive airline flights and hotel costs.

Another way to prepare for the spring golf season is to get in shape during the winter. If you are a golfer you know that bulking up is not ideal for a golfers swing. We have seen so many professional golfers talk about the benefits of working in Pilates, and Yoga into their fitness regime. Gina Faubert of Serenity Valley Studio in Burlington says "the key to power comes from the core, and Pilates gives you that, while yoga benefits flexibility and rotation which is key to generating the power to compress the golf ball at impact."

We all know that nothing will replace a great 4 hour walk while playing a round of golf in 80 degree weather, but the next best thing for those that live in colder climates is to find a good indoor training facility to keep practicing your golf game.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Golf conditioning

Golf Conditioning

How Golf Conditioning with Pilates can improve Your Game:

Improved Concentration

Using Control to swing from a strong core.

Precision of movement, not momentum.

Increased strength and stamina.

Improved Flexibility

Prevent and Relieve tension and pain that interfere with your game.

Winter Golf Conditioning at Serenity Valley

Serenity Valley Studio in Burlington, Ontario is the most unique golf conditioning facility in the area. You can play a round of golf on PGA Tour golf simulator, have lesson with a CPGA pro, or focus on your fitness to improve your game in a personal training session, all under one roof!  Imagine… professional trainers and state of the art equipment just minutes away.  Perfect for golfers of all ages and genders, and especially those looking for privacy while they improve their game.

About Golf Conditioning…

At Serenity Valley their golf conditioning programs begin just like their personal training packages which include a full body assessment of posture, gait, flexibility and strength, plus they include a swing analysis on the simulator.  Their swing analysis records your swing and they play it back step by step to discuss how becoming more flexible or increasing strength in certain areas will create a better result in the golf swing.

For your first training session they’ll ask you to hit a few balls, next they’ll take you through your personalized fitness program, then move back into the simulator to compare your swing and see how things have changed in just an hour.  Most people see a gain of at least 10  - 20 yards immediately.

At the studio they will incorporate Pilates, along with traditional stretching and strength based exercises into their programs based on new methods of training from top golf professionals.  Pilates has been shown to significantly improve flexibility, core strength and freedom of movement. All aspects that are essential to a controlled, smooth, more powerful golf swing. Professional golfers like Tiger Woods, David Duval, Annika Sörenstam, Rich Beem, and Rocco Mediat have all discovered how Pilates can improve their game.  Now it’s your turn.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Indoor Golf: The Short Game

Many people that play indoor golf always say the the two toughest parts of playing golf on an indoor golf simulator is the chipping (60 yards and under) and the putting.

While most golfers believe that the game of golf tends to be 50% skill and 50% luck we like to look at it a little different. At a certain point in your golfing career one wants to get from being an 18 handicap to a 10 handicap and find that they are missing the key element of the game "Touch and Feel"

The average amateur golf is a visual player, while professionals play their shots based on feel and tempo. In a golf simulator the same rules apply, everything in the simulator seems like it is 20 feet away visually however this does not compute for the average golfer that needs to chip a 60 yard shot onto the green, when it looks only 15 - 20 feet away on the screen image, where a professional or low handicap player can judge ones distance outcome almost by watching a swing and through sound and tempo of the golf shot.

This is very frustrating and leaves most golfers weary of returning to play simulators, however with practice and understanding of what the shot feels like you can improve your game, and by the start of a new season you will be ready to lower those scores.

Technology has far exceed the old ways of setting up a cup 10' away in the house and using a Nerf ball or at worse taking the risk of hitting a shank with a real ball and destroying that new 50" plasma Tv you just bought. Take the time to look up a reputable indoor centre with proper equipment that can give you feedback such as club path, trajectory and swing tempo. These will be key to helping improve over the cold winter months.


Putting can be just as tough on simulators but there are numerous key benefits to practicing on simulators. The stimp factor is one key element in practicing puts on a on a indoor golf simulator, this is an adjustable factor and can help one to understand how the ball reacts differently to uphill and downhill putts based on a greens speed.

Another key benefit to practicing putting indoors on a simulator is there is no hole. You are picking a target and putting to the desired location on the floor. This in the end will help with stopping the head from following the ball to the hole. The most important key element is learning the distance of a putt through feel as mentioned above a key element to reducing scores and becoming an overall better golfer.

Get to know your clubs and how they work and you will enjoy the game that much more, as well as becoming a better golfer in the end.

Indoor Golf Lessons Do Help Improve

The overwhelming majority of recreational golfers do not take lessons. It is another one of those quizzical, only-in-golf mysteries. Most of us could use help and the help is widely available, so, naturally, most golfers instead keep their heads down (or not) and plod on, hoping to master the game on their own.
According to the National Golf Foundation, roughly 11 percent of all golfers take lessons.
Now, some golfers avoid lessons because they believe they cannot be helped. Which just proves what golf can do to you. It’s also most likely not true. Some golfers have taken exactly one lesson, and when they did not improve as much as they had hoped, they never went back — for 15 years now. Some golfers don’t want to spend the money, even though they buy a new driver every spring and hope for the "Quick Fix".
Other golfers, and this is a big group, like to work things out for themselves. I’ve never quite understood this. Did they learn to drive a car by themselves?
Of course not. And we all know golf is infinitely a sport that requires some knowledge of swing dynamics.
One of the real reasons people don’t take lessons is the embarrassment factor. A golfer has to acknowledge needing help and then go to a practice range where other people might be watching and submit to an overhaul of some part of the golf swing.
One new and increasingly prominent dynamic in the instruction landscape is the indoor golf simulator, a device that allows for a more private and multidimensional lesson experience. Lessons given on simulators, have grown in popularity in the last five years, especially among beginners, juniors and women.
“It’s a golf laboratory where people relax and swing without any thought to who is around them — because there really isn’t anyone,” said Randy Henry, a longtime, top-ranked teacher of recreational and tour pros who uses simulators daily in his instruction. “That alone improves the teaching environment. Then we get all the readouts on the swing and video of it too. But it’s more than technology. Yes, we get a thousand readouts of a golfer’s swing. Then, a trained teacher can pick the one thing that will fix a thousand things.”
“The privacy of a simulator studio is important to a beginner or to a golfer who has never taken a lesson before,” said Michael Sole, a teaching pro who gives about seven lessons daily on the simulators. “You know, it’s away from prying eyes. You don’t have to worry about upsetting someone on the range if you hit one sideways.”
John Hobbins, a senior teaching pro at the Chelsea Piers golf complex in Manhattan, said golfers trying to make a swing change focus better on a simulator.
And then there’s the weather advantage. Rain, snow or wind cannot ruin a lesson. Golfers can keep swinging and keep their weekly or monthly lesson schedule all winter in cold climates. If it’s 100 degrees outside, they can go inside to the air-conditioning. Darkness does not stop the instruction either.
Simulators have been around for a couple of decades. Once they were fuzzy, bizarrely inaccurate machines. You hit your ball into what seemed like a quilt hung over a concrete wall. The golf course scene was generic. The system did not reliably replicate chipping or putting.
Now, simulators are highly sophisticated, brightly lighted devices with the engineering to precisely imitate the golf course experience. It’s not the same as being outside — you won’t be fooled into reaching for the sunscreen — but it is remarkably close. It is advanced equipment. The company, aboutGolf, which has supplied numerous high end academies, has multiple simulator models that sell from $50,000 to $80,000. It is a worldwide business. In many Asian countries, there are 10 times as many simulators as there are golf courses.
These devices come with software that allows golfers to play courses from around the world. Going on a trip to Scotland and wish you could get acclimated to links golf beforehand? Go play a few rounds on the Old Course on a simulator near you.
And it is that ability to play golf in a more controlled environment that might be the best use of a simulator.
“For a 12-year-old taking up the game or for a woman who is learning because she wants to play with her husband, the first four months playing the game can be unnerving on the actual golf course,” Henry said. “There are so many different shots to learn and they feel like they’re holding everyone up. Now four gals can come in together, turn on the simulator and play a round by themselves.
There are costs to playing on a simulator, but depending on where you live it may not be more than playing at the local municipal golf course. Many outlets package lessons on a simulator with the purchase of clubs or a club fitting. At The Golfers Academy in Burlington, ON, a 60-minute lesson on a simulator is $90.