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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Swing caddie SC100 portable launch monitor

The Swing Caddie SC100 is a standalone portable golf launch monitor designed to help golfers visualize their swings. It provides instant visual feedback and stores stats for each club, without any separate device or smart phone application, and its remote control makes it effortless to use. Swing Caddie is ideal for both practice and play, and creates a fresh new experience for golfers of all levels.

The Swing Caddie SC100:

• Standalone device (no phone app needed)
• Instant feedback via LCD display
• Measures:
• Carry Distance
• Swing Speed
• Ball Speed
• Smash Factor
• 3 modes
• Practice Mode
• Target Mode
• Random Mode
• Stats for each club
• Average stats
• Shot count and time display
• Compact size and weight
• Easy use with remote control

Order One Today
Visit Canadian distributors website


1 comment:

  1. I think taking a golf training aid is a good idea for those who want to get into golf, or for those who want to get back into form after a long period of not playing. At the very least, it’ll help you achieve the proper golf swing so you can hit those greens like a pro!

    Laguna Beach Golf Training
